Monday, January 7, 2013
The Notebook
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks is one of the most famous, modern love stories of our time. One may ask what makes this forbidden love novel so monumental. The answer is simple and it is all about how Sparks portrays the characters. In the beginning, the two leads, Allie and Noah, are from two different worlds, having no idea about the other world that is not theirs. Little did they know that their worlds would eventually collide breaking down the horrible barriers their community created between the classes separating them. In addition, Sparks makes us feel like Noah and Allie are at their peak in life, being as healthy and emotionally stable as ever before. Then they meet turning their worlds upside down, but in a good way. Also, innocence is large part of the two main characters image. Their innocence in the story makes their love worth knowing about. Sparks mostly shows them when they are having good, memory-making times together. My favorite of these moments are when they are at the beach and Allie makes Noah call her a bird which makes Noah say, "If you're a bird, I'm a bird." This line in the story makes my heart literally hurt. This love scene makes it apparent that while still being young kids, they are mature enough to realize that where ever they are, they want to be together. Next, the last thing I believe that makes this book so good is the perfection of their love and everything they go through. Allie and Noah share the most beautiful of moments and this makes every girl writhe in jealousy. People continue to watch and read The Notebook because they want to fulfill this need for love even if they are not the ones who are involved in it. This idea is a bit messed up, but it is truly what is behind every girl's love of Sparks' novel.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul
I am currently reading the book How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul by Jason and Crystalina Evert. This book was introduced to me when the author, Jason Evert, came to speak to the student body at Saint Marks High School. I really enjoyed the man's talk; I know it opened my mind and the minds of the other audience members, who were also my peers. The talk he gave us was the basis for the book he was promoting us to read. The book is basically a "how-to" guide to relationships and love for girls. I really love the message of the whole book which is generally to care about myself and do what is best for me even when there is a boy in my love life. Next, I am at a great part of the book in which the "types" of guys girls need to avoid are listed and described. He really identifies each type with clarity and I know I can definitely relate to some of the guys he talks about because I have sadly known of or have had relations with those types. Also, I feel like this book is so good because it is a self help. I know that by reading it I am not just reading a story that will slip into my mind and depart within a few days. It is a book that genuinely guides me down a safe path to be on when wanting to get involved with boys. I recommend this book to any girl regardless if they are looking for love or even in a relationship. This book's purpose is to put the morality back into love which is something that I believe is lost in our world today. However, I sadly am not as impressed with the quality of the literature as much as I enjoy the messages and examples within it. I do not think it is written as good as it could be but I don't even think that Jason or Crystalina are experienced writers or authors anyway. But regardless of the quality, the book How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul is very enjoyable and eye opening while being a great read for any female.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
Over break I saw The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe at the Wilmington Drama League because my mom produced the play. I also was genuinely intrigued by the play because I have never seen or read the story before so I had no idea what was in store. Turns out that it is a very different and enjoyable plot. It is about these four kids who enter a wardrobe and enter a completely alternate universe, one in which animals speak and an evil witch ruled the area, Narnia, bringing fear to all who inhabited. There is a prophecy in Narnia that the four children fulfill the moment they enter Narnia. They come across many characters who help guide them and bring peace and justice to Narnia in the very end. They eventually become the new rulers of Narnia resulting in a very happy ending. I liked the story, but not necessarily the production itself. The scenes and the effects that were needed in order to portray the book properly were not done that well considering the Drama League is a community theater. So, that part was not really a part of the work that I did not like, I just did not find the set or some of the actors believable. However, there was a huge symbol in the middle of the story which was that the good, Christ like leader of Narnia, not the witch, was put to death so the other four kids could live. When this leader, named Aslan, was killed, he Resurrected the way Jesus did when he died to save man kind. Aslan also died in order to save his people which is why the religious figure and the fictitious lion have a similarity. If Aslan did not die for the kids, the outcome of the story would have been completely different and the prophecy could not be fulfilled. Aslan knew what he had to do for the higher figure above and he did it. He did what was right and I loved seeing this come to life because it does remind me sometimes to take the higher road when I come across a decision I must make.
A Red, Red, Rose
A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns is the poem I chose to read in the Poetry Out Loud recitation in our AP Lit class. This poem is basically just a proclamation of love for the subject, whether it be a man or a woman. The reason I say a man or a woman is because it never specifies which gender the author is speaking to, so no assumptions are necessary. First of all, what I think is special about this poem is the diction; it has very old fashioned, nineteenth century language which makes the poem very unique. Also, I was right when I thought these special words would help make the poem easier to memorize because it took very little time for me to lock into my memory. However, one of my audience members may beg to differ on this point considering I had a complete mental block the moment I entered the third stanza. Oh well. Another reason I chose to recite A Red, Red Rose was because I enjoy the message of the poem. It is just a sincere, innocent profession of love to a person and I love the ending line "and I will come again, my luve, though it were ten thousand mile." It beautifully wraps the entire meaning of the poem into one simple statement. This person will do anything to be with the subject even if it takes much effort such as traveling ten thousand miles. I can assume the ten thousand miles part is an exaggeration but still, the importance comes across clearly with the use of hyperbole. Also, in the beginning stanza the poem starts off very innocently and simply comparing this person's love to a red rose that has been recently bloomed and also to melody that is nicely played in tune. This simplicity is something to marvel at and it surely caught my eye when I was searching for poems.
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